Meditation: not possible


I didnt understand what meditation is? For what I read and heard was not to think of anything or to think of only one thing. i.e. to have only one thought.
But that was impossible for me 4 years back. But after 4 years of chanting I think its possible.


So how do you meditate? What is “chanting”?



“For what I read and heard was not to think of anything or to think of only one thing. i.e. to have only one thought.”

HELL NO. I hate it when people make the practice of meditation complicated and put all sorts of weird indian ideas that make half sense in it. Not saying you can’t use those, they are probably just more advanced.

The way I prefer “meditation”, I don’t even like that word… is to sit in a comfortable position (I prefer to stare LIGHTLY at some stationary object) and just let thoughts come in and out… all the while not being distracted from the object, if you get too enveloped that your eyesight wanders then refocus.

The main idea I think is to bring peace to your mind (or brain) … peace/relaxation is a universal neccessity. Especially after work, or even during if you’re struggling.

These are the BASICS of “meditation”, chants, more direct thought-control, poses, etc are all advanced notions in the practice and are in my opinion, a matter of style. But that is the basis. Keep it simple, then go from there.

Also, this is not to say you can’t get depth in what I said, my eyes have gone plenty white and my mind has become blank with what I have done here.

I personally prefer to meditate in 15 minute chunks, then if I’m not satisfied I will continue doing it. Simple. I take caffeine and an adhd med daily, they can rile me up and to a degree I need to meditate.


Something interesting I found is that walking is quite nearly a combination of meditation and exercise. Works well over time as its not as strenuous as running. Peaceful enough to be mindful to a decent degree. A good base note of wellness. For higher notes it may be unfortunately neither sufficient for either meditation or exercise. This may sound confusing, because it is, but say if you’re really charged with energy you’ll still want to lift some heavy weights and do that bench press. If your head is spinning intellectually and you just need to get away from the screen/book a walk may not be peaceful enough, natural noises (and the infinite squirrels running around at the moment) are also a distraction.


That is good. I am sure no thoughts come to your mind when you exercise. Thats one form of meditation


Guys be so busy that you dont have time for PMO. But you still find time for PMO. That time is … when you come home from work, before you go to sleep, immediately when you wake in the morning and on holidays. So how do we utilise this time non-destructively?