What we are


I had this meditation a few days ago, partly thanks to some other posts I read, and I’m wondering what some of you would think about it:

If we are our bodies, then as soon as you lose an arm you’re less of a person.
If we are our thoughts, then we are all terrible, garbage people.
If we are our feelings, then we have no control over ourselves whatsoever.

However, our thoughts do give us control, our feelings guidance, and our bodies the capacity to act.

If we genuinely want to be able to say that good people exist then we have to be a balance of the three or something that goes beyond any of them (what you would likely call a soul).

Personally, I still don’t think I know for sure who I am, or what part of my being truly represents me. What I do know is that all three of these factors are valuable and worth cultivating, which by itself helps me find some direction.


I dont know what are you asking specifically.
My learning about ‘who we are’ is this:
If you can observe it, you are not that.
Can you observe your body? You are not it.
If you lose your leg, you will still be ‘you’.
Can you observe your thoughts? You are not them.
If you realize who are you, you reach enlightment.