Friends, you need a plan


So! Let’s get started into this 8th NO PMO war.
I’m glad to have you here with me. It’s truly epic to have 700 peoples going throught this all together.
Now the important stuff:

You need a plan to stick to your goals. Fact is your brain will try to f*** you over as soon as It can. So don’t let your mind running around. For the first 2 weeks, you need to keep yourself busy. Very freaking busy. Keeping away from distraction is your number one goal fellas.
So, sit down for a second, grab a pen and write down a plan.

You need to create a perfect life routine and develop a powerful mindset as well.

What you want is to get rid of toxic activities. So social medias, they’re out. Video games? Out . Bingewatching TV or series? Out . Drug? Out . Junk food? Out.
We got to eliminate all the things that let us down, that cause damages to our life so we can focus on learning new habits, healthier habits.

What do we want to work on? First, our sleep. Our sleep is essential to our health. You need to get the required amount of sleep ASAP. So, light out for me at 10 pm each day for a wake-up at 7am in the morning.
Then, on to excercising. Working out is very good for us, especially during recovery. When your work out really hard, you forget about everythig else. It keeps you BUSY (remember, we have to stay focused)
So for me, I excercise 30 minutes each day right after I wake up. I take my bike to work, then I run in the evening. (I’ll explain why I do this in a future post) .

After that, meditation. I know, you might think meditation is a weird habit of a very few hippies disconnected to the real world but heck, I gave it a try and it’s amazing. Meditation, in a nutshell, help you focus. It’s a very powerful tool that help you control what you think when done well. It’s amazing. Download Headspace on your phone to give it a try.
After all of this, you also need to project yourself on the future. What do you want to become? What do you wish to accomplish in your life? I’ll let you go to Raku’s post (Manifestation: Rediscovering the World of Quests) to understand what I mean. You need a life goal. Figure out which one it is and dedicate time to it!
Last but most important, be social. Addictions pop up when you’re lonely. Don’t be. Find things to do outside, engage in a sport or organization, connect with as much people as you can. By doing so, you won’t even think about PMO and heck, you might even find someone that you like.

I tried to be as short as possible.

Basically, if you want to quit PMO, you need to CHANGE. No matter what that means for you. Engage in that thinking process and start questionning yourself.
I hope that help.


@MustacheMan You’ve collected some great advice here, sir! Exercise, sleep, meditation/recentering oneself, and eating properly are cornerstones of the successful soldier’s regimen. Hopefully lots of soldiers, myself included, transform your words above into action. Only time will tell.