How to divert mind from porn to creative work?


Please give me some tips


Well, when I do really creative work, I am so engaged that I don’t think at porn. The question for me would be more: “how can a mind divert from creative work to porn?” If your mind diverts, train it by meditation. And get really engaged in a good work, then your mind will not wander!


Take a cold shower. Those would be your best friend.


Well the best practice to divert your mind is to adept good habits like:-

  1. Do yoga daily early morning and before sleep.
  2. Go to bed early.
  3. Wake up early.
  4. Eat healthy food and green vegetables.
    i) Heavy breakfast
    ii) Light dinner.
  5. Change your mentality about opposite sex.


This makes me think about the state of “flow”, when you are so focused in what you are doing you don’t notice how the time passes. It was explained in one of the videos from the daily check in.


Great suggestion! I am happy I do almost all of these (haven’t started yoga yet; waiting on my yoga mat). My life has become much better after changing my lifestyle to this healthy one. I am way more productive and am actually really happy at times :D.


Try to develop some hobbies or goal statement and commit yourself to that goal. For more information on such topics visit my website