I accidently click on kia button


What should i do if i accidently click on kia button but i don’t break the rules?
now i dead


You have made sure the rest of us don’t press on the KIA button… your sacrifice is appreciated.


I did this last war on day 26. It sucks to be kicked out on a technicality but it is what it is. The next one is in three months. Sorry man.


BABAR, if you still want to continue your abstinence with support, I got you. You can message me each day to check-in/talk - whatever. Let me know.


M gonna stay away from that red zone. I too was curious to know what happens after pressing KIA. I thought it would ask some sort of confirmation before declaring me as a casualty. I guess not


@Caapi Top man!!

Scholar & A True Gentleman.



It does ask a confirmation message before you actually become KIA…did you not bother reading it?..


I almost hit the button too, but luckily, it asks you if you’re sure you want to proceed.