Joined this site to raise more strong people


Hi, I joined because I believed in the Holy Emperor Guan’s teachings on unhealthy sexual behaviours. (search for him in wiki, he is a famous hero from the 3 Dynasty period of China)

A little story of me. I had a lot of addictions in the past. I lied, I boasted a lot, I was lazy, I swear, I read unhealthy materials but most devastating of them all was porn amd masturbation. I had it for 20 years. I started watching porn when I found my father’s collection.

From then on, it was a non-stop trail of destructive behaviours. Heck, after my spiral to such moral cesspit, I had no where to go but even further down. I was proud of it. That was bad.

After some crazy bad things that happened, I cleaned up act and was quite satisfied with myself. Now, I want to give my strength to the Holy Emperor Guan’s mission to rid the world of fap.

I followed one guy here from some motivation youtube video, his name is Krillin1993. I wanted to befriend that guy and help him in his life. Then, I saw this site and thought I could rise up in the ranks and help more people become warriors in life. So please, veterans or anybody who saw this topic, guide me along this path to a better and healthier self.


Hey man, how you doin? I know it’s been a while hope you’re still going strong and staying at it.


I was in some very nasty situation but recovering. Now I joined the new war and hope I can sustain. My health isn’t too good. I hope you all a speedy recovery from addictions and a good wing to soar through the sky.

God bless.