New Warrior has entered!


Hey All! I’m new to NoGap and I have made a Reddit just to join this page. I gotta thank a member from there who referred me to conquered self! So I’m kinda new :sweat_smile: Im a 23 year old Filipino male and I’m addicted to masturbating and pornography.

I just want to share that I’ve been addicted to pornography since I’ve been 8 years old. My dad was kinda fucked up in the sense that he tried his best to make me straight by having me watch porn at a very young age… Essentially, he had me over sexualizing and objectifying women pretty early on to the point I began to develop traits of toxic masculinity. I also suppressed alot of my queer identity because I thought the ideal was to be with women only. I began to also feel this need to masturbate constantly to the point all I would think about was porn, and I’d masturbate at random times in bathroom stalls to fulfill this addiction.

There was a time I would almost masturbate 6 or 8 times a day in middle school to HS, and I stopped my senior year but got back into my addiction my 2nd year of college once I was in an unhealthy relationship…

Since the break up I’ve been on and off with the addiction, and now I’m in a better relationship and we’re LDR and they give me so much love! But I still struggle with watching porn and masturbating almost everyday… I want to overcome this addiction and I strongly believe this community can help me get there!

I’m super happy to be here and I hope to make y’all and myself proud :slight_smile:


Good luck brother


Welcome here! I think you are in the right place. Fight well!


Sounds like you’ve got a rough road here! Good luck, and feel free to ask for advice