Social anxiety making all the rest 149999 situations unbearable


Appreciate all the wisdom i have read on this forum. As a new user here ,i have pretty much discovered how i wanted to approach the insecurities that is by all out face to face war and not leaning towards drugs.
As a young adult i was always been put preasure on to be top academically gifted…well these kept pouring in to the point i have failed many a times.
Now in my mid 20s it has been kinda engraved in to my mind that i am no good .
Moving on i dont care about all that but growing up i was never a people person.
Which affects me severly and now it cost me severly a number of years.
I tried ,approached strangers randomly trying to strike out conversations. But whats bothering me is when i have thoughts people i know judging me. Always bothers me when i am not able to reply to an insult,i take it so personally even if it comes from somebody much younger than me. This making life way too rough to ride. My mind is just clouded at such situations and my mouth just wont open. And worst of all now i try to avoid such situations and i hate that because these joking around is probably always there be it with friends, family making it unbearable. I hope i am not too negative over all i am a quite open minded positive god fearing person. Plus i have no pmo issues god willingly. Also please do suggest me which war to enlist to(aldready on the social war grouo


Hey man
You aren’t the “onlyone” who has been in this situation before. I for a long time also felt that way, Not worthy. It hammers your self esteem and the worse thing is you also dont feel you are improving in anyway. I have struggled with pmo for as long as 15 years and one thing i can tell you is that in this state, the brain and body will fight against your will to change and the reason is that they are used to pity party that is a constant in your life. Apart from the addiction, we are so alike my brother-in-arms. But as long as we have life, there is hope for change but let me assure you, it is going to be tough but you need to push through. What i would suggest is get a paper or notepad on your pc, write all the things that make you insecure, no matter how embarrassing it is, and also for each insecurity, write a statement explaining that insecurity, accepting the insecurtiy and how you intend (or have researched) to overcome it.
Know this and i know it is very annoying to ( believe i know) is that people are heavily self indulged with themselves. People who are your family and friends who probably say jokes and offend you, They love you a lot and they would never intentionally hurt for fun.
In life, never take yourself too seriously. Live life being grateful with the things you have and if you are as religious as me, get as close to your God as possible.
For your social issues, always start with family. Research more into social cues and also how to talk to girls. (David Morin and Dan Bacon are people you should check out, the give pretty insightful stuff)

Sorry for the rant, I feel like i am talking to myself. Anyway, all the best wishes and if you want a group to join, i suggest fitness. You can watch youtube videos on Jake gay calisthenics. I believe sticking to exercise builds someones discipline for the long haul.

All the best.