The Shadow Scrolls [WAR VI]


The Shadow Scrolls is a collection of posts regarding The Shadow Army who’s in Training Boot Camp for war VII for their redemption for falling on War VI.
I’ll tell you a bit more about these scrolls after this quote from SolidStance

““If you can bear up under hardship, you can experience a pleasure greater than the pain. Day and night, hour by hour, people are buffeted by waves of pain and pleasure, one after the other. If they try to experience only pleasure, they cease to be truly alive. Then the pleasure evaporates. It’s not too late. If you learn self-discipline, you can make a fresh start. It’s fatal to tell yourself that it’s all over, that you’re no good.””

Now about the scrolls, every Wednesday participating members in writing the scrolls will share an aspect of their training. Which this thread will be updated to give out all the links to our scrolls.

Kristopher’s Scrolls:

ThatMagnetMan’s Scrolls:

DonCorleone1988’s Scrolls:

BartekDe’s Scrolls:


what’s the shadow army?


I don’t know if it’s me who made up this term. I used this term to speak of fallen soldiers (KIAs) who were still fighting and didn’t let themselves go.