Urges are unavoidable


In the no PMO journey, urges are always present and definitely unavoidable. I saw threads asking for: Tips about stopping urges and yet, you can’t stop them. What you can only stop is relasping. I believe urges are there to push us to go back to the habitual patterns of addiction. Our brains and bodies don’t like the unfamiliar they want the things that reminds them of familiarity. The unknown in our biological nature most of the time is recognized as a threat to our survival thats why they want tbe familiar. Don’t stop the urge, use it as a signal to get up , do something productive and helpful to your success and crush your goals. I hope all of you are still going strong. Stay strong brothers, and enjoy the journey.


Thanks for the post, yes I guess having urges is a good sign. I think with PMO addiction we seek out the urge and pleasure, I’ve gone weeks without an urge before proving that when I used to PMO every day I would purposefully seek out the urge out. Hope that made sense…time to embrace urges as a sign of getting better.