Why you should do NoFap


Hi, I was about to write my whole nofap experience but It would take too long.

Instead I’m gonna tell you why you should do nofap 100%.

When I was a teen (I’m 21 now) I had a 90+ day nofap run and let me share with you what happened to me:

I was in heaven, I SAW colors, I HEARD music and i felt like a child again, I got my innocence back and all the anxiety and negative feelings were gone. I never was good in school but then I suddenly understood everything. This were the best days of my not child life so If your’e still wondering if you should do nofap…well…I can tell you it’s the best thing that ever happened to me besides birth. Do it man!


I’m ready! Can’t wait for the War to start!


I also want to feel alive again. I joined the Nofap War .01.03


Inspirational. I have also had long periods of abstinence that felt amazing.

We’ll be back in that flow again soon.