02/26/24 - 04/15/24
For those that got KIA in this war, use this thread to check-in 👍
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Spending time in the forest is a daily habit that I'm currently building
Spending time in the forest is a daily habit that I'm currently building 😌
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Week 3 and I feel like .hit
Hi, after three weeks I don't feel good but that's not only because of PMO. I guess a general lack of motivation and clear purpose.. There seems to be no such thing as a no PMO superpower that turns you to a happy and motivated person. Or maybe it's too early..
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Sloth leads to succumbing to Lust
In the bible, there are 7 cardinal sins. Two of these are Sloth, and Lust. Many religions and cultures also consider Sloth as a sin. . . But why is Sloth on the same level as Lust (which seems way more dangerous)? After all, you're being lazy right - can't harm anyone? . . But you can. Sloth is like a termite, and it will corrode the furniture-of-life and leave it only after the strong oaken chair is just a puff of dust. . . If you indulge in sloth early in the morning (like watching YouTube videos or scrolling through social media), then you're bound to indulge in porn pretty soon, adding your Cardinal Sin tally. . . So stay away from porn, but also stay away from porn's friends such as Sloth. . . Keep away from social media for a month - nothing bad will happen.
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KIA on day 8
I've messed up cuz I couldn't go back to sleep at all that's when the urges kicked in and I got tempted I was doing so well these past few days and now I'm back to 0 days
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The Negotiator
You have no room for negotiation. You have no plan B. It’s plan A till you succeed or die trying. Your excuses shall become your limit. Your Mountain top shall become a mere rock. Breakthrough your wall and do it again. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. You vs You. The chip on your shoulder fosters the platform of victory. You know what must be done.You always have.
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Over 200+ people KIA, but less than 3 people reporting to Ghost League
Come on people - we need to do better. It's OK if you're dead, let's maintain a habit - then you can win the next war. . . If you train today, success shall meet you tomorrow. If you laze today, you will have no tomorrow.
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If we want to succeed
if we want to succeed, then we need to think like those who don't watch porn and masturbate. What would they do with their free time? You think they'd sit at home, endlessly browsing internet or scrolling through social media?
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Success comes only from discipline, not from motivation
You can read a thousand books by billionaires/successful people, watch a thousand videos, listen to thousand podcasts or even have direct chats with successful people, but none of this will help you emulate them. NONE of it! That's why self-help book authors become successful (by selling those books), but the readers DO NOT! . . Ever heard of a successful person who said - I read so-and-so's self help book and became successful? NO. . . Because success doesn't come from that. For people who don't come from affluent families, our only choice to achieve success is discipline. Focus on that, not on listening to motivational videos. . . Focus on escaping from porn, and building good habits, and improving yourself. Instead of talking/planning about improving, just do it already. . . . Watch this outstanding video (in cartoon format) which shows the stupidity of constantly consuming motivational content: . . . Remember that, you are all NPCs to me while I am the main character. Likewise, I'm just an NPC to you, while you are the main character. People should accept this, instead of trying to influence others into playing NPCs for them. Such "influencers" are manipulative. This is true for all people, and the prime example of this is instagram influencers. . . The insta influencers will live a posh lifestyle, and boast about it with their followers, and bask in the adulation. The followers will live vicariously by watching their videos, and dreaming of living that life, but will never become successful. They will forever be NPCs to the influencer's main character.
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Weakness is strong. I must be stronger.
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Team Bonuses
The Barrack team with the most active duty soldiers during each age upgrade (every 7 days) is rewarded with a bonus.