05/01/24 - 06/19/24
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Dead site?

Yowdie fellas,

I have a feeling that this site is dying/ dead. No one says something no more. No one comments. I feel kinda lonely, because it's like a one way conversation. Like talking to the wall. I share my story and all I get is a like. No interaction? This is not how it should work (imo).

And no don't praise me for posting. Just read what I have to say and react with your opinion or what you think of it. Not just read it and like.

A part of curing this addiction and in fact any addiction is to talk about it. Share what you are struggling with or share your wins. Help those who struggle and share your opinion on those who are winning in life.

That's all, no hate.

Have a nice day.

Dead site?
Yowdie fellas, I have a feeling that this site is dying/ dead. No one says something no more. No one comments. I feel kinda lonely, because it's like a one way conversation. Like talking to the wall. I share my story and all I get is a like. No interaction? This is not how it should work (imo). And no don't praise me for posting. Just read what I have to say and react with your opinion or what you think of it. Not just read it and like. A part of curing this addiction and in fact any addiction is to talk about it. Share what you are struggling with or share your wins. Help those who struggle and share your opinion on those who are winning in life. That's all, no hate. Have a nice day.
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Two reasons for this:

1 ««««<
It gets tiresome after a while, reading motivational posts / videos. Your mind can only handle so much stimulation. After a point you And I have already told this:
"Don't do something because you're motivated. Do something because you're passionate."
Motivation is fleeting. Passion is everlasting.
Passion definition: "That for which you're willing to greatly suffer"
Motivation is something that excites you (probably with visions of riches/material success/fulfillment etc.)
But when the going gets tough - motivation will start waning, and eventually totally die out.
However, passion will always remain - even through the hard times. Because you're not doing something for the end goal (the riches / goals). You're doing it because you're passionate about it - whether you succeed or not you will keep doing it.
So motivational posts are meaningless after a while. They're just temporary spikes. What will remain is the flatline - and what you wish to do during those absolutely mundane times.
That's a reason why people aren't interacting to posts. They're all tired. Atleast me.
Additionally, most people are overwhelmed with guilt - that they keep failing. That again is due to too much motivation (and too much depression after they fail).
2 ««««<
2nd reason: This is personal. I feel like coming to website and reading all these posts unconsciously keeps reminding me of my past and keeps tempting me to watch porn for the sake of NOSTALGIA.
And especially during my currently stressful time - my heart keeps tempting me to enjoy porn for the sake of remembering "HAPPIER TIMES" when I was a teenager with no care and just fapped away at home.
That thought is shocking, and I don't want to give porn that chance. So I'm keeping away from this website.

Two reasons for this: >>>>>>>> 1 <<<<<<<<< . It gets tiresome after a while, reading motivational posts / videos. Your mind can only handle so much stimulation. After a point you And I have already told this: "Don't do something because you're motivated. Do something because you're passionate." Motivation is fleeting. Passion is everlasting. Passion definition: "That for which you're willing to greatly suffer" . Motivation is something that excites you (probably with visions of riches/material success/fulfillment etc.) But when the going gets tough - motivation will start waning, and eventually totally die out. . However, passion will always remain - even through the hard times. Because you're not doing something for the end goal (the riches / goals). You're doing it because you're passionate about it - whether you succeed or not you will keep doing it. . . So motivational posts are meaningless after a while. They're just temporary spikes. What will remain is the flatline - and what you wish to do during those absolutely mundane times. . . . That's a reason why people aren't interacting to posts. They're all tired. Atleast me. . . . Additionally, most people are overwhelmed with guilt - that they keep failing. That again is due to too much motivation (and too much depression after they fail). . . . . . . >>>>>>>> 2 <<<<<<<<< 2nd reason: This is personal. I feel like coming to website and reading all these posts unconsciously keeps reminding me of my past and keeps tempting me to watch porn for the sake of NOSTALGIA. And especially during my currently stressful time - my heart keeps tempting me to enjoy porn for the sake of remembering "HAPPIER TIMES" when I was a teenager with no care and just fapped away at home. . That thought is shocking, and I don't want to give porn that chance. So I'm keeping away from this website.
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@modernwisdom I know what you are thinking but like @Escape_From_Porn I have it the same way
I am trying to be active but I’m not thinking about what was. Now I’m trying to focus on new things.

@modernwisdom I know what you are thinking but like @Escape_From_Porn I have it the same way I am trying to be active but I’m not thinking about what was. Now I’m trying to focus on new things.
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Exactly, in my case I got involved in sex with my girlfriend many times but yes I didn't masturbate which is good for my physical and mental health. Although I did masturbate a lot in this war. So I'm actually KIA but I can't click on the button because no KIA button was there but when I got back from my hometown then I had sex with my gf. So yes next war will be mine and I'll try not to have sex.

Exactly, in my case I got involved in sex with my girlfriend many times but yes I didn't masturbate which is good for my physical and mental health. Although I did masturbate a lot in this war. So I'm actually KIA but I can't click on the button because no KIA button was there but when I got back from my hometown then I had sex with my gf. So yes next war will be mine and I'll try not to have sex.
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Ok I get it that you veterans get tired by these posts, but there are more people on this site.

P. s. @Escape_From_Porn
When will you upload on youtube?

Ok I get it that you veterans get tired by these posts, but there are more people on this site. P. s. @Escape_From_Porn When will you upload on youtube?
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@modernwisdom I can totally sympathize with your feelings and frustrations! I too have noticed a lack of activity within the site. I think that the points made by @Escape_From_Porn are accurate. Motivational posts are nice but unfortunately short-lived. It takes passion and commitment to make it through and fight the urges and temptations which are constantly assaulting us.
After reading the post by Pierce Franklin about the upcoming “Platoon Leaders and Emperors”, I am hopeful that this site will take on new energy and activity! Keep up the good fight 💪

@modernwisdom I can totally sympathize with your feelings and frustrations! I too have noticed a lack of activity within the site. I think that the points made by @escape_from_porn are accurate. Motivational posts are nice but unfortunately short-lived. It takes passion and commitment to make it through and fight the urges and temptations which are constantly assaulting us. After reading the post by Pierce Franklin about the upcoming “Platoon Leaders and Emperors”, I am hopeful that this site will take on new energy and activity! Keep up the good fight 💪
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See you all in the next war brothers

See you all in the next war brothers
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